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Friday, March 25, 2011

Lots Going On...

So! For my first REAL post that isnt just a, "hey! i'm back!" I will just go over a brief overview of whats been happening...

As I mentioned in the previous post, my family and I have moved into a nice little house back in the "city". This is big news coming from a terrible, run down little house (full of spiders and mice in the walls) in a small town about 30 minutes out of town...Just thinking about that place makes me depressed! But seeing as I am no longer there, I am now motivated to craft, and try all sorts of new things and get my life where I want it to be!

So on that topic, I am teaching myself how to far it is going quite well and I enjoy it very much, but alas...I hit a wall...I can not finish the adorable baby booties I started because I do not have an IRON! You read that right folks, I have been living without an iron for my entire adult life (only 4 years I suppose, but hey, I cant believe it!).

My husband and I also just started all our seeds for our garden, which I am very excited about! Finally we can have a garden! Hopefully it will flourish and I will have to give some produce away! We shall see. I am not putting all my eggs in THAT basket. lol. However I am going to give the garden my BEST effort!

Speaking of vegetables, and lifestyle changes, I am very proud to say that we have just joined the local CSA and will start getting boxes of FRESH, locally grown, mostly organic produce once a week from June through October. This is a big step for us. I cant wait to post some photos and interesting ideas surroundnig my weekly gift of produce!

Cooking. I have always loved eating good food, and therefore always loved cooking good food. I'll just come right out and say it. I am a dynamo in the kitchen. I love to cook and bake, and I love to find tasty, ways to cook and bake healthy food. So expect that in the future! I also hope to attempt canning this year!

I will sign off of this post beaming with inspiration and hoping for a few people to follow along on my journey =).


  1. You can have my iron! Haven't had a need for it for the last couple of years. Wash and go for me :-)
    You are an awesome cook!

  2. Thank you! I try. lol. Does it have a steam function?? I gotta have steam. lol
